


Because 正规网赌软件推荐 is a state supported institution it must follow California laws pertaining to residency classification, in addition to many other regulations, 针对加州社区学院的所有学生. 所有学生必须分类 以“居民”或“非居民”身份支付学费. 申请学生 for admission, or currently enrolled students requesting residency reclassification, are required to provide supplemental information 和 supporting documentation or evidence 确定他或她的居住分类.


  • Students who are over 19 years of age: 住院医生实习期 is based on factors pertaining to 学生.

  • 19岁以下的学生:学生必须填写一份 19岁以下补充信息


    form. For unmarried students, residency is based on factors pertaining 到 parent 和学生一起生活. 如果学生没有和父母住在一起, residency is based on factors pertaining 到 parent 学生 last lived with. Married students may establish residence on their own (a copy of the marriage certificate 必须提交). 对于19岁以下的学生有一些例外, 哪些列在 正规网赌软件推荐目录.

When Additional Documentation is Needed

Many times the Application for Admission does not provide enough information to make a residency determination 和一个dditional information 和/or documents are needed before 可以做出决定. 在这种情况下,a 补充居住问卷


必须完成. 如果需要额外的文件,学生将被通知. All requested documents should be submitted 到 住院医生实习期 Specialist in the 招生 及纪录处.







在确定居住分类时. 要取得一段时间的“居民”身份, 学生必须具备:


1. 在加州住了至少一年




2. Taken action to make California their legal residence for at least one year prior 到学期开始








居住意愿,以学费为目的被视为居民. 身体上的存在肯定是 maintained for at least one continuous year prior 到学期开始 和 intent to reside must have been established a minimum of one year prior 到 start of the 学生计划入学的学期.


Providing Documentation

住院医生实习期 determination is a complex process that is governed by many rules 和 policies. Often several types of documents are needed before 可以做出决定.








在加州. 至少有一份文件的日期必须超过一年 到学期开始时:


  • 以居民身份申报加州所得税

  • 加州选民登记卡

  • California Driver's License or California Identification Card from the Department 机动车辆

  • 加州居民车辆登记

  • 以加州居民的身份申请离婚

  • 在加利福尼亚工作或从事商业活动

  • Military Leave 和 Earnings Statements 和 W-2 forms showing California as the state 合法居留

  • 加州钓鱼或狩猎执照

  • 加州专业执业执照

The following are examples of documents that may demonstrate evidence of a student 维护





  • 在加利福尼亚工作或从事商业活动

  • 显示加州地址的银行对账单或账单

  • 在加州的公寓/房屋租赁合同/租约

  • 加州服务或社会组织的积极会员

  • 加州公共援助的验证

  • 加州学校出勤率的成绩单





with a claim for California residency, especially when action has been taken during 定居年份:


  • Filing California State income taxes as a nonresident or filing income taxes as a 另一个州的居民

  • 维护州外驾驶执照和/或车辆登记

  • 在另一个州维持选民登记

  • 以州内居民的身份在州外机构就读

  • 在另一个州申请离婚

Citizenship Status

有资格建立居留权的学生包括美国学生.S. 公民,永久 residents, lawful temporary residents, amnesty residents, refugees 和一个sylum residents. Additionally, the following nonimmigrant visa types: A, E, G, H-1, H-4, I, K, L, O-1, O-3 R和V. 对于美国以外的任何人来说.S. 公民,为期一年的期限开始 after the application for adjustment of status to one of these classifications has 已提交给美国司法部.S. 公民及移民事务. 这个要求是 除了加州的居住要求







教育法典第68075条.6 .立即免除非居民学费 to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders 和 refugee students who settled 在加州入境美国时. 这项豁免的有效期为一年 from the date 学生 settled 在加州入境美国时.



  • Iraqi citizens or nationals (和 their spouses 和 children) who were employed by 或代表在伊拉克的美国政府.L.No.110-181, 1244)
  • Afghan 和 Iraqi translators (和 their spouses 和 children) who worked directly 与美国武装部队(Pub.L.No.109-163, 1059)
  • 受雇于或代表美国政府的阿富汗国民.S. 政府或 在阿富汗的国际安全援助部队(ISAF) (Pub.L.No.111-8, 602)
  • Refugee students admitted 到 United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the 美国法典

无证 immigrants*, out-of-status non-immigrants 和 non-immigrants with B, C、D、F、H-2、H-3、J、M、O-2、P、Q、(NAFTA) TN和TD签证






*Legislation (AB540) went into effect January 1, 2002 allowing undocumented immigrants 以及任何学生,非移民(持有B签证、F签证等)除外.), to be exempted from paying 暂住的学费, if they meet the following requirements:


  • 在加州高中就读三年或三年以上.

  • 加州高中毕业或同等学历(e.g.GED或高中 学校能力考试).

  • A 加州非居民学费豁免申请


    form must be filed with the college stating that 学生 has met these requirements. 无证 immigrants must file this affidavit stating that 学生 has applied 申请或将在学生有资格的情况下尽快办理.

AB540 Students may receive services on campus through our Borderless Spaces program. 请访问 无边界空间




学生必须实际参加他们所注册的课程. 学生生活 outside of California 和 enrolled via distance education are 不合格的 for this 豁免.


在这项豁免下.S. 公民或永久居民没有资格申请 for state financial aid, but are eligible to apply for federal financial aid. 无证 移民没有资格申请州和联邦财政援助.


Military Personnel AND Military Dependents

Military personnel, stationed on active duty 在加州, 和 their dependents who are "undergraduates" are exempt from paying 暂住的学费 和一个re classified as "residents" for fee purposes for the duration of their enrollment at a California 社区学院. 现役军事人员及其家属已收到 a bachelor's degree or higher are exempt from paying 暂住的学费 for 1 year 从他们到达加利福尼亚之日起. 注:军事人员(及其家属) of) assigned to California for educational purposes are eligible for this 豁免.


非居民: 免除军事学费




现役或家属身份证. 注:居民也有资格获得这项豁免.




Military W-2 forms or Leave 和 Earnings Statements must be submitted showing California 作为合法居住国(一个日期多于一个)


上学期和当前学年). 另外还有DD214的副本 需要,如果军人已经退伍.


Nonresident military personnel, stationed on active duty 在加州 for more than one year immediately prior to being discharged, 和 their dependents who are "undergraduates" are exempt from paying 暂住的学费 for up to one year he or she lives 在加州 军人退伍后. 军事命令,或官方军事命令 documents, showing that the military person was stationed 在加州 on active duty for more than one year immediately prior to discharge 和一个 copy of the DD214 必须提交未满一年的出院证明.


Requesting Reclassification

Prior 到 time of registration, nonresident students who believe they qualify for 加州居民身份可以申请重新分类. 重新分类表格 是一个 财务独立信息表


和一个 补充居住问卷. Documents will be required to demonstrate residence as outlined in this text. 大学 是一个dditionally required to consider financial independence when reclassifying a 前一学期非居民学生,转为居民身份. 经济独立 本年度和前两年将予以考虑.


Additional Information

本文是居住信息的摘要,绝不是完整的. 同时, changes may have been made in the statutes 和 regulations between the time this text 是发表并开始出勤的学期吗. 还有一些其他的 适用于特定情况的例外,未提及. 形式 都可以在 形式


以及招生和记录办公室. 更多的居住信息,请参考 到 正规网赌软件推荐目录


or contact the 住院医生实习期 Specialist in the 招生及记录 办公室 at (619) 660-4725.



被归类为非居民的人将被要求支付 暂住的学费除了学院要求的其他费用外. 非居民学费必须支付 在注册时.



见政策和程序的评估 外国成绩单

