

对于正规网赌软件推荐,SAP标准是通过测量最长时间框架来评估的 学生完成学位目标的进度(定量) Standard) and a student’s GPA (Qualitative Standard).  对这些标准进行评估 at the time of application for federal financial aid funds for new applicants and 在每个注册期(秋季,春季和/或夏季)结束时,继续申请者.  SAP standards apply to all students regardless of previous financial aid history.  


经济援助资格要求学生在符合条件的项目中申报专业, whether that is for an Associate Degree (AA/AS), Certificate of Achievement (CA), 或转学计划.  学生应:


  • 与学术顾问会面,制定一个概述课程的教育计划 他们已经完成并被要求完成学业以实现他们的教育目标 在正规网赌软件推荐.  
  • 使用他们的教育计划、课程表、大学目录和其他大学出版物 to help them complete their declared program of study.  
  • 只参加项目所需的课程,以确保满足SAP的要求.

Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is defined by the Department of Education as the normal length of time for a student to complete an educational objective that 不能超过课程长度的150%. 节目的长度可以根据情况而变化 关于项目要求.  To receive financial aid, your educational objective must be an Associates Degree, Certificate, or Transfer to a four-year university.


当你申请经济援助时,我们必须审查你的整个学习成绩并决定 whether you have made satisfactory academic progress. 以下信息概述 我们满意的学术进步政策.



1. 定性测量-平均绩点(GPA)

学生 must maintain a semester and an overall GPA of 2.0或更高. 学生 in an Associates degree or Transfer program must also have an overall 2.毕业后平均绩点0 两年.


2. 定量测量-进度的速度

学生必须满足以下SAP标准,以确保他们的整体完成 至少79%的单元每学期尝试,以确保一个可接受的速度 的进展.  Pace 的进展 is calculated by dividing the number of units 通过完成总单元数的尝试来计算学生的完成情况 率. (Example: a student has 65单位 completed and 80 overall units 尝试.  用已完成的65个单元除以已尝试的80个单元,结果是完成81% 率).

  • 全日制学生(12个或以上单元)每学期必须完成至少9个单元
  • 四分之三的学生(9-11).5个单元)必须完成 at least 7 units each semester
  • 半日制学生(6-8岁.5个单元)必须完成 at least 5单位 each semester
  • 少于全日制学生(0.5-5.5个单元)必须完成 .5单位




3. 最大时间范围-单位限制 Since most 正规网赌软件推荐 Associate Degree programs and General Education (GE) 转学课程大约有60个单元,学生将被要求完成 他们的教育目标的时候,他们已经完成了71个单位或尝试 90个单位,以先出现者为准(60个单位乘以150%等于90个单位尝试最大值). 这 包括在所有其他学校完成的专业和所有单元的变更,并适用 to students working towards completing an Associates Degree or Transferring.  学生 努力完成证书课程将有望完成他们的 educational objective by the time they have completed 36个单位 and/或企图 45 单位,先到的取.


已完成 71个单位 或企图 90个单位 (for Associates Degree/Transfer objective) or completed 36个单位 或企图 45台 (for Certificate objective) will be required to submit an appeal for Maximum Time frame to determine further eligibility for financial aid 在正规网赌软件推荐.  In 在评估上诉后,财政援助办公室将决定学生是否愿意 能够完成他们的学习计划(专业和教育目标) 150% 为了有资格获得进一步的经济援助(除了 学费减免及奖学金).   Generally, this unit maximum is enough to provide financial aid for one educational objective rather than multiple objectives.  

一旦学生完成了他们的教育目标或被确定(通过) the appeal process) to not be able to complete their program of study within 150% 对于节目长度,他们 不会 be eligible to receive any more financial aid 在正规网赌软件推荐 (except for the 学费减免及奖学金).


英语作为第二语言(ESL) 学生 may be funded to a maximum of 35单位 of ESL.  最大单元数 to be funded will be determined by the student's Combined English Language Skills 评估分班成绩和/或教育计划.  适用于学位的ESL课程 or transferable are excluded from the ESL unit limit and count as regular units.  按降序学习的ESL课程(例如,如果你已经通过了ESL课程) 103,下学期参加ESL 100)或低于分数线(例如, if your Combined English Language Skills Assessment score recommends entry at ESL 100 and you enroll in ESL 96) will count as regular units and may not be deducted.  如果由Cuyamaca人员记录并经财务部门批准,则可以例外 援助部门.


有关综合英语语言技能评估测试的更多信息,请访问 评估服务  Webpage or contact the Assessment Center at (619) 660-4426.  报名参加 Combined English Language Skills Assessment go to 自助服务 and under the “STUDENTS” menu look for the “Orientation/Assess/Advising” section.


补救课程 学生 may be funded to a maximum of 30 units of remedial courses if documented by assessment scores and/or an academic counselor.  下行时所修的补习课程 订单或低于安置分数将被视为常规单位,不得扣除.  如果由Cuyamaca人员记录并经财务部门批准,则可以例外 援助部门.



1. The following will be considered as units completed and 尝试:

  • “A”到“D”的成绩
  • “CR”或“P”通过了学分

2. The following will be considered units 尝试, but not completed (deficient 单位):

  • “F”级   
  • “W”(退出)
  • “我”(不完整)
  • “NC”或“NP”(无学分或未通过)

All repeated courses count toward the maximum unit time frame and the minimum 2.0 GPA标准,包括可以申请学术更新的学期 招生和记录.


Review Policy – Did Not Receive Aid the Previous Academic Year

如果您在上一学年没有获得经济援助,我们将进行审查 你在库亚玛卡学院的全部学习成绩,以及转学的课程 从其他学院来的.  Satisfactory academic progress will be assessed if you have 尝试了12个或更多单位. 这 includes coursework transferred into 正规网赌软件推荐.


完成的总单元数将与总单元数进行比较 尝试. If you are deficient by 12 or more units or your overall GPA is less than 2.0, you will be required to appeal for lack of progress/low GPA. 新申请人 不符合SAP标准的学生是否没有资格获得财政援助警告.


Review Policy – Received Aid the Previous Academic Year

你的GPA和完成的单元数将在每学期结束时进行检查 and evaluated based on the SAP general standards above.



  • 学生 not on 金融援助 警告 status or 金融援助 Academic Probation, 谁的工资是注册时间的一半或更高(6个或更多单元),并且不做SAP for the semester will be placed on 金融援助 警告 for the next semester.
  • 被安置的学生 警告 status are eligible for financial aid for the 警告  term and must make SAP for that term in order to maintain their 经济援助资格.
  • 学生 will be notified in writing that they have been placed on 警告 status 并且不需要在警告期限内提交经济援助申请. 被列入经济援助警告的学生,在警告期间不再申请SAP term will be disqualified the following term and will be subject to the Financial 援助上诉程序.


  • All students who do not make SAP (excluding students who meet the 金融援助 警告 standards detailed above) will be disqualified from receiving financial aid.
  • 选择不通过经济援助上诉程序或不通过的学生 在经济援助缓刑期间做出SAP将被取消资格,并且不能重新获得 在他们复职之前,都没有资格获得库亚马卡学院的经济援助 条件(见下文).


  • 因不符合财务援助SAP标准而被取消资格的学生可以申请 option to submit an appeal through the Financial 援助上诉程序. 学生 通过上诉程序获得批准的学生将被置于经济援助试用期 并且有资格获得经济援助.
  • 获得经济援助试用期的学生必须按照SAP一般标准制作SAP 以上,也可能需要符合上诉委员会规定的条件才能维持 经济援助资格.

被取消入学资格的学生将被要求 submit a petition for reinstatement for the subsequent fall or spring term. 如果是学生 在夏季会议上获得财政援助的学生,他们将按照SAP标准进行审查 previously outlined in the General SAP standards.



学生可以申请恢复或继续经济援助,提交 a 金融援助 Petition form to the 金融援助 Office. 经济援助申请 必须注明:


1. The extenuating circumstances surrounding why you did not complete the minimum 单位数,保持2.平均绩点为0,或超过最高单位时间.


2. The steps you will take to improve your academic status or positive progress to 完成你的教育目标.


3. Documentation to support your extenuating circumstances.


学生 will receive written notification of the appeal decision. 如果你必须上诉 因为缺乏令人满意的学术进步,在SAP一般确定 根据上述标准,如果上诉被批准,您将没有资格获得追溯奖励.


Conditions for Reinstatement After Disqualification or Disapproved Appeal

Reinstatement is not an automatic process and is not guaranteed. 学生可以尝试 在被取消资格和/或上诉被拒绝后,重新获得经济资助资格 由于缺乏进展:

  • 注册至少六(6)个单元,并完成一个学期的SAP 达到之前概述的SAP通用标准
  • 提交财政援助申请表格(检查财政援助恢复框) 第1节)和申请表格上概述的适当信息/文件
  • Complying with any other specific conditions that were set in the appeal decision 由上诉委员会作出
  • 上诉获得批准



